HEADLINE NEWS—Just saw that a man with a Koran was arrested at a courthouse in Denton TX for making terrorist threats! Another man in New Mexico was arrested with gas pipeline plans. Remember Jolene’s warning a week ago—“both specific to the metro Dallas area and broader to the nation.”
CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Lets kick into high gear in prayer tonight!
GLORY TRAIN HOUSTON Friday and Saturday—Flashpoint! Freedom Outpost Houston. Please pray, and please join us for a powerful time!
PATRICIA KING NEXT TUESDAY! Jolene and I are so honored to share the Glory Train with Patricia King on a special live program by XP Media. Be sure to join us! http://xpmedia.com.
Pentecost, a Movement and a Double Portion
We had a powerful time during our last-minute Pentecost prayer call Saturday! Exactly 77 people joined us… looks like double portion covenant to me. Together we welcomed in God’s glory state by state, and received His double portion for our spheres. Thank you Sara Ballenger of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Shannon Bennett of the Museum of the Bible, and Tom Schlueter of the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network for joining us!
AND LAMPLIGHTER FAMILY, we are beyond grateful for your offerings for the Glory Train. At present just over $3000 was raised, which will allow us to bless a few ministries to make a significant portion of the remaining journey with us. We’re almost at a tipping point where we can bring another along who desired to join us. So fun! From our hearts, THANK YOU for your generosity!!!
Moses Mantle
For more than a week previously, a phrase kept coming to me that “the Moses Mantle had fallen.” I had prayed into it but could not get any understanding. Until yesterday.
At the last minute, Jolene and I decided to rent a car to enjoy a day of downtime in Memphis. We unexpectedly found ourselves at the Loraine Hotel, where Dr. Martin Luther King climbed aboard Heaven’s eternal Glory Train after the tragic shooting which cut short his life. The hotel is now the National Civil Rights Museum.
Our time there was a poignant culmination to the Freedom Movement Prayer Project, which began as we prayed through many of the most significant places where the Civil Rights movement occurred. From Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery Alabama, and now yesterday to the Loraine Hotel in Memphis. We have contended together before God’s Throne for the reconstitution of God’s freedom movement in this hour. It’s at the core of what the Glory Train is all about. Always remember that the Glory Train is a freedom movement!
Jolene and I don’t say this lightly, but I felt a weighty expression of God’s heart and Spirit as we walked along the street by this Memphis landmark. The Lord had promised a double portion as of Pentecost. And somehow as our paths unintentionally crossed with this extraordinary memorial, I felt a double portion of the “Moses mantle” carried by Dr. King had truly been released.
Arkansas Awakening
Jolene and I are now on the train from Memphis TN to Jackson MS. We had an awesome time in Paragould Arkansas. Very grateful to Rick Clark and his team for their genuine hearts and passion for awakening and revival.
Just like with Texas, a seer prophet actually saw the Glory Train coming to Paragould… before he even knew anything about us or the Glory Train project! It was quite a confirmation. Amazing to bring the Glory Train to Paragould on the last day of Pentecost!
And it was fascinating to hear how Paragould was founded. Two national railroad tycoons crossed their tracks in Paragould so that it literally became a crossroads for the nation. I felt from the Lord that He had called us to Paragould, again on the last day of Pentecost, to a crossroads of the nation so that we could gain clarity and choose the right tracks for our future. I’m grateful that the packed house CHOSE GOD’S TURNAROUND.
It was actually our first time in Arkansas, and during the ministry time the words which came out of my mouth on the last day of Pentecost were… well… astounding. Let me put it another way. I don’t know if they shocked anyone else, but they sure shocked me.
Arkansas is awakening—called as an entire state to be an Ark of the Covenant for the nation, hosting God’s glory from a pure altar. Many times the Lord shows me His glory as tornadoes, but this time I saw multitudes of what looked like thin wisps of clouds across the entire state, connecting Heaven and earth. And it was like those whom God connected with these glory portals were whisked away into powerful, Ezekiel-type prophetic experiences. Get ready for a new breed of prophets to emerge from Arkansas, declaring the word of the Lord to our nation with signs following!
We fell in love with the land and people of Arkansas.
Mississippi Muscle
Tonight we have the privilege of ministering in Jackson, Mississippi. On the journey down the Lord dropped in my spirit the phrase “Mississippi Muscle.” I don’t want to go much farther until the Lord gives me a clearer picture, but I feel it is a place where the strong arm of the Lord is going to be revealed.
So pray for the saints of Mississippi. New strength is coming from the Throne! I believe somehow there will even be revelation from the Lord for medical breakthroughs here, rebuilding and re-strengthening damaged muscle tissue in the body and heart.
A word of from the Lord is that Mississippi is actually in the midst of a recovery of heart! It’s a recovery which strengthens the entire body both locally and nationwide. There is much competition for the vision of the state, but if the state will choose the vision of the Lord you will see the strong arm of the Lord lift up an entire state. Zechariah 9:11 is being covenantally released to you—freedom from the waterless pit!
And a double portion. I totally forgot about the double portion until praying through the passage today. God is speaking forth a double portion!
Geographic Area of the US Highlighted by the Lord
Final thought for today. While looking at a map, I “saw” a box form around the region of the nation we had just sojourned through—from San Antonio TX to Oklahoma City to Memphis TN to New Orleans LA and back The Lord was highlighting this box, almost as if it was a boxcar on the Glory Train. I believe that as of Pentecost, harvest and provision and the gifts of the Spirit are filling this boxcar region. Heaven’s trafficking is here!
Please pray for this region accordingly. Covenant blessing to each of you!
The Lord led me to do some research yesterday on Harriet Tubman, the main “conductor” of the Underground Railroad. One of the the names she was given was “Moses”! Later that day, I was watching an online replay of the Glory of Zion Pentecost gathering with Dutch Sheets and a piece (from a dream) came forward about a conductor’s baton (connected to VICTORY) and I felt like Holy Spirit was speaking about CONDUCTORS in connection with the Glory Train, even heavenly “electrical conductors”
that allow the flow of the current in one or more directions. Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you are the ultimate Conductor!